Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Thomas' Second 935th Story

935.     Once upon a time, there were three cats.  There were two girl cats, and there was one boy cat.  The boy cat was named Buster Cat. Buster was a black and white cat.  He was mostly black, like a dragon.  His eyes glowed in the dark, like a dragon’s.  And he whispered in the snow, like a dragon.  Maybe Buster Cat was a dragon, and he should live in Greenland with the dragons with nine kisses.
Chloe Cat was a girl cat.  She had a ringed tail, like a lemur.  She was pretty, like a lemur.  And she was funny, like a lemur.  She looked like a lemur.  Maybe Chloe Cat was a lemur, and she should like in Madagascar with the lemurs with five kisses.
Molly Kitten was a girl cat.  She was grey, like a shark.   She had sharp teeth, like a shark.  She was sneaky, like a shark.  Maybe Molly Kitten was a shark, and she should live in the North Atlantic Ocean with sharks with three kisses.  Or maybe with the dolphins.  I’ll think about it again at nine o’clock.
The End. 

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