Saturday, February 20, 2010

Book 11

Book 11: Where The Wild Things Are, by Maurice Sendak, Harper Collins, 1963

I was planning to review the charming Caldecott Medal book by Kevin Henkes, but after reading it, I realized I first needed to review the charming Caldecott Medal book by Maurice Sendak.

"Where The Wild Things Are" inspires more of a love/hate relationship with children (and adults) than pretty much any other children's book I know of. Either you loved it as a kid because of the bedroom changing into a forest, and Max taming the wild things to become their king, and Max's dinner still being hot when he returned from his adventure; or you just never got past the scary wild things and hated the book. Obviously, I loved it, and perhaps because my son has had a great big dog's face in his face pretty much since the day he came home from the hospital, the wild things do not scare him at all. In fact, he thinks they are funny.

Once, when I entertained art ambitions, I thought it would be great to apprentice with Maurice Sendak, especially when I saw his ballet sets. Sigh, those days are past, but I still love slipping into his world and this book is my passport.

*For other reviews, please see Books I Buy and Why

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