Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Book 64:

Book 64: My Potty Book for Boys, by DK Publishing 2001.

As I learned when I worked in the children's department of the library, DK publishes really great real-life, photo books. This one is no exception.

I bought this book for my son when he was one and I was very optimistic. He is now two, and I am more realistic, but he does still like this book. He recognized his potty from the pictures in the book. He saw he was supposed to sit on his potty like the boys in the book. He even knows to wash his hands because that what the boys in the book do. So, he never was really afraid of the potty and he has no problem sitting on it, and he can't wait to wash his hands, it's just that middle part that is giving him trouble.

This book, as all books that are given to toddlers to handle to should be, is a board book. It is colorful and simple and using photographs of real children to convey the message. And it works, if I can just get him to sit longer and more often.

*For other reviews, please see Books I Buy and Why

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