October 12, 2011
Head in the clouds
Four birthdays past
Four more to come
Including mine
And my anniversary
Shall I make
A Black Forest Cake?
Of course!
Then come
The holidays
Will Jeff come down
To South Carolina
For Thanksgiving
Or Christmas
This year?
Phone rings
Nerves jangle
“Hello” I snap
As my name is mangled
“Yes, I’m Karen”
My patience is at an end
Useless “no call” list
But this is no
Sales call
My brother
Was found
In his neighbor’s yard
A scrap of paper
In his hand
With my name and number
On it
He’s in
Bad shape
The neighbor tells me
The ambulance is on its way
But he may not make it
It’s probably
Too late
I babble
I can’t think
I ask the same question
Over and over
But it is the question
That no one can answer
Why? Why?
Why is one of the most asked questions, is it not? Sorry for your loss.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jerry.