Monday, December 31, 2012

Thomas' December stories -- Part VII

Once upon a time, there was a Thomas named Thomas.  He lived in the garden.  He was dirty.  He took a bath.  He put a wash-cloth on his head and said, “I’m Rapunzel!”
The End.

Once upon a time, there was a Thomas named Thomas.  He lived in the garden.  Thomas named Thomas had a Molly named Molly.  And a Buster named Buster.  He had bells and sang “Jingle Bells”.  He wanted to go in the red car.  To get books.  So he put on orange socks.  The End.

Once upon a time, there was a big truck.  It went Boom!   Boom!  It boomed Thomas’ house.  The pigeon was driving.  The End.

Once upon a time, there was a Thomas named Thomas.  He was painting a barn.  It was a trick.  He was in the garden.  He was lost and sad.  His mommy said, “I love you.”  And he was happy.  The End.

Once upon a time, there was a frog named Frog.  He broke the soap.  He was a Thomas named Thomas.  He had a blue painted face.  The End.

Once upon a time, there was a Thomas named Thomas.  He saw a monkey in his room.  In the window mirror.  Thomas said “hi” to the monkey.  The monkey said, “Hello, little boy.  I’m happy to meet you.”  The End.

Once upon a time, there was rain.  With ho ho (thunder).  It rained on the corn.  The corn was delicious.  The End.

Once upon a time, there was a shooting moon.  He was lost and sad.  He found a Christmas tree.  He colored colors.  He colored blue.  And yellow.  And white.  And he said, “Merry Christmas, everyone.”  The End.

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