Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Book 394

Skippyjon Jones, Snow What, by Judy Schachner, Dial Publishing, 2014.

I didn't buy this book, but I was with my sister when she was picking out a book for my son, and we decided together on this one.

This Skippyjon Jones book is probably my favorite one since the first one. The story is a take-off from a fairy tale, and it did help (immensely) that the book came with a CD of Ms. Schachner reading the book. I speak Franglais, not Spanglish. 

My six-year-old son, however, followed the CD along with his book -- twice in a row. He would have listened to it again a third or fourth time right then if we didn't have to go somewhere that morning. 

I have always loved the illustrations of the Skippyjon Jones books, even when I stumbled over the text, and this book is absolutely no exception. 

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