Sunday, April 19, 2009

Poetry month -- Day 23 -- sort of

My challenge today was a letter poem, which is pretty much what it sounds like -- a letter in poetic form. I took a break from the cats and wrote to my son.

To My Darling Son –

I loved you before I knew you,
When you were as fleeting as a thought,
As small as a second.
You grew where nothing
Was supposed to grow –
So I was told.
You grew in an imperfect vessel that
Was supposed to crack –
So I was told.
You arrived in a way most dramatic,
And everyone who knows your story
Marvels at the miracle you are.
But what you are is not just a miracle.
Every time you smile,
Which is often,
My heart melts.
Every time you hug,
Which is often
My heart melts.
Already, you have enriched my life.
Everyday I love you more.

-- Your Loving Mother

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