Thursday, April 14, 2011

Not a reverso...number 7, I think...

Sophie was pleased with herself yesterday.
She was barking and dancing around.
I thought, perhaps, her wits went away,
Till I saw what lay on the ground.

It wasn't a mole
Come up from its hole.
It wasn't as simple as that.

Oh, no, lying dead,
Bleeding wound to the head
Was a partially mangled old rat!


  1. aw... what a wonderful children's poem!!! haha and you said I was twisted! haha I love it! I lvoe your twisted wordy ways!

  2. I didn't read that one to Thomas. ;)

  3. yes better to save it till he's 8 or 9!He should enjoy it more then! haha! ooohhh I hope you took pictures to illustrate! ;)
