Thursday, June 25, 2015

Thomas' Third 247th Story

1.          247.       Once upon a time, there was a leprechaun.  And there was a leprechaun trapper.  The leprechaun lived in a leprechaun house.  The house was too small for the trapper.  The leprechaun left traps outside the leprechaun house, and a trap caught a leprechaun’s foot.
“Yee-ouch!” said the leprechaun.
“Woo-hoo” said the trapper. And the trapper tried to put the leprechaun in a cage.
“You can see my gold,” said the leprechaun to the trapper.  The gold was in the leprechaun’s house.
“Ha, ha!” said the trapper.  He opened the door to the leprechaun’s house, but he was too small to fit inside.  So he looked through the door.
The leprechaun made the trapper grow tinier and tinier and tinier until the leprechaun and the trapper were the same size.
When the trapper was the same size as the leprechaun, he could see the gold.
The leprechaun and the leprechaun trapper became friends, and they lived in the leprechaun house with all the gold.
The End.

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