Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Kindergarten Note and Response -- 38

Notes Home From Kindergarten
Note 38

Dear Ms. K –

T complained about a sore throat off and on all day.  He was sent to the school nurse at the end of the day, and the nurse sent him back to class.

-- Ms. X

Note 38 – Response

Dear Ms. X --

 T came home VERY sick.   He was so sick the bus-driver and I had to help him off of the bus.  And he was burning up.  I took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with acute strep throat.

T seemed fine when he left for school that morning, but he said that during the day his throat started hurting and he couldn’t swallow.  With as much attention as you to pay to T, I’m rather surprised you ignored his earlier complaints and did not send him to the nurse until the end of the day.  I’m also wondering why the school nurse missed the classic signs of strep throat when it has been epidemic throughout that school, and why I wasn’t called to pick him up so that I could have taken him to the doctor sooner.

-- Ms. K

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