Sunday, September 15, 2013

Book 222

The Adventurers, by Rachel Elliot, illustrated by Valeria Docampo, Parragon 2011.

I bought this book back in January, but I'm not actually recommending it.

I really want to like, and I do like the IDEA of. The illustration is not my favorite style, but it is still quite eye-catching and lovely. And the book is beautifully laid out.

I bought this book not long after my four-year-old son started telling his stories. I thought he would be able to relate to how an ordinary object could lead to an extraordinary adventure. THAT part I like very much. What I don't like is how it is written. It is not written poorly; it is just not written well. The text brings us to a place of adventure, nothing fun happens, and then abruptly something quite frightening will appear or happen. Instead of conveying daydreams or dreams as the illustrations would indicate, the text is conveying nightmares.

I will still give this book to my son, but I will let him tell me his own stories.

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