Friday, July 3, 2015

Thomas' Third 283rd Story

1.         283.        Once upon a time, there was a kitten named Molly.  Molly Kitten was a very beautiful kitten, with soft gray fur and glowing green eyes.  Molly Kitten was in the garden. 
There was a bear in the garden.  Molly Kitten saw the bear, and she was scared.  The bear saw Molly Kitten, and he was hungry.  Molly Kitten cried, “Meow!” – that means “Help!”
A Thomas named Thomas heard Molly Kitten.  Then he saw Molly Kitten in the garden.  And then he saw the bear in the garden.  Thomas said, “Go home, Bear!  This is not your garden.”  And the bear went home because that was not his garden. 
Molly Kitten said, “Meow, meow.”
Thomas said, “You’re welcome.”  Because Thomas knew that “Meow, meow” means “Thank you for the rescue” and you’re supposed to say “You’re welcome.”
The End.

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