Saturday, November 28, 2015

Thomas' Third 586th Story

1.     Once upon a time, there was a deer in the woods.  She had a baby fawn.  The mommy dear said to the baby fawn, “I love you so much, my baby.”
And there was a bear in the woods.  She had a baby bear cub.  The mommy bear said to the baby bear cub, “I love you so much, my baby.”
And there was a wolf in the woods.  She had a baby wolf pup.  The mommy wolf said to the baby wolf pup, “I love you so much, my baby.”
And there was an alien in the woods.  She had a baby alien.  The mommy alien said to the baby alien, “Bee beep berrrr beep beep.”  And that means, “I love you so much, my baby.”
The End.

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